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On the Space Coast, Rick Scott's Jobs Rhetoric Just Doesn't Match Reality

Struggling to get his campaign back on track, Rick Scott is on the Space Coast today, talking about the one thing he wants to talk about: jobs.

Scott made big promises to the Space Coast. He said he’d continue talks with Embraer, a firm Charlie Crist recruited in 2008, and he gave tax breaks totaling millions to BlueWare, BRS Aerospace, and other firms. He promised to recruit companies from “all over the world.” 

The result for the Space Coast? Zero new jobs, according to a Times-Herald investigation. 

Even worse, Scott “wants to slash Space Florida’s budget by two-thirds, leaving it with $10 million and stripping away its investment fund central to creating incentive packages,” according to Florida Today. “We’d like to say we’re optimistic about prospects this year, but have deep concerns. And they start with Gov. Scott. 

“Rick Scott promised Floridians 1.7 million jobs over seven years, and he has failed to deliver. He promised jobs for the Space Coast, and he failed to deliver. Floridians get the pattern — Rick Scott’s rhetoric just doesn’t match reality, because he’s not looking out for folks who need a job. He’s looking out for those at the top, ” said FDP spokesman Joshua Karp  


Rick Scott Made 34 Jobs Promises In Brevard, Resulting In Zero Jobs and $6 Million Paid In Incentives. A Times-Herald investigation revealed 34 jobs promises made in Brevard County, with $6 million paid to businesses in incentives and $52 million more pledged. The  [Miami Herald Rick Scott Jobs Tracker, December 2013] 

We’d Like to Say We’re Optimistic About Prospects This Year, But  Have Deep Concerns. And they start with Gov. Scott. Rather than use his bully pulpit to throw his political weight behind space funding, he wants to slash Space Florida’s budget two-thirds, leaving it with $10 million and stripping away its investment fund central to creating incentive packages. [Florida Today Editorial, March 16, 2011]

Scott Said He Is Recruiting Companies From “All Over The World” To Open Shop In The Space Coast. “We will get that area of the state back to work.”… Scott said he was in talks with Embraer, the company that former Gov. Charlie Crist lured to the state in 2008, and “defense manufacturers.” [Tampa Bay Times, May 16, 2011]

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