NEWS FROM THE FLORIDA DEMOCRATIC PARTY For Immediate Release: June 23, 2010
Past Due Notice Delivered To McCollum On Behalf Of Floridians
The Florida Democratic Party today delivered a Past Due notice to Bill McCollum on behalf of Floridians seeking to collect the over $2 million in state funds McCollum has wasted for his partisan gain:
June 23, 2010
Bill McCollum for Governor Campaign
PO Box 10829
Tallahassee, FL 32302-2829
Dear Attorney General McCollum,
On May 19, the Florida Democratic Party called your attention to the outstanding account balance of over $2 million in state funds you wasted on behalf of your own personal gain and partisan politics. You still owe that amount to the taxpayers of Florida, and under the terms of the invoice, you were given thirty days to pay.
According to our records we have received neither a reply to our letter nor an indication that a payment was made to the Division of Treasury to clear this account. The said thirty day extension is now expired and you are considered as having defaulted on your debt to the taxpayers of Florida.
We extended the deadline on your account in good faith that you would come to the understanding that tax dollars should not be used to further your political career, and expected payment under the normal thirty day terms which we felt was most reasonable.
So that no further action on our part will be necessary, we shall expect a remittance by return mail to the Florida Division of Treasury and the courtesy of a reply to our letter as to why payment had been withheld. For your reference, we have enclosed the May 19 invoice.
Please be advised that if these actions are not taken, we can exercise other options, including but not limited to enlisting a collections agency to settle your outstanding balance.
We look forward to your prompt response.
Eric Jotkoff
Florida Democratic Party
On behalf of Florida’s Taxpayers
Bill to:
Bill McCollum for Governor Campaign Invoice No. 1
PO Box 10829, May 19, 2010
Tallahassee, FL 32302-2829 Terms: 30 Days
Description of Services Amount
Faulty & Discredited Testimony $120,693
of George Rekers
TV Face Time and No-Bid Contract $2,142,654
for Your Campaign Consultant
Partisan Crusade Against Health Care $50,000 and counting
and Lining Pocket of Your Lobbying Partner
Comments: Subtotal: $2,313,347
Tax: $00.00
Total: +$2,313,347
Amount Paid: $00.00
Amount Due: +$2,313,347
Payment Information
Please make check payable to:
Florida Division of Treasury
200 E. Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0301