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Chairman Smith Renews Call On Rick Scott To Resubmit Application For Fair Districts Amendments

For Immediate Release: February 10, 2011 Contact: Eric Jotkoff, (850) 222-3411
In Light Of Preclearance Approval For California’s Non-Partisan Redistricting, Chairman Smith Renews Call On Rick Scott To Resubmit Application For Fair Districts Amendments
With the U.S. Justice Department approving California’s request for preclearance of their state’s nonpartisan redistricting rules yesterday, Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith today renewed his call on Governor Rick Scott to immediately resubmit the application for preclearance of the Fair District amendments.
“Governor Rick Scott continues obstructing the will of Floridians who overwhelmingly voted for the constitutional amendments last fall.
“Now that the U.S. Justice Department approved California’s application for preclearance on their effort to remove partisanship from the redistricting process, it is clear that Rick Scott is playing political games as Republicans try to overturn the standards of fundamental fairness that were supported by nearly 63% of Floridians.
“On behalf of all Floridians – Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike – I renew my call on the Governor to immediately resubmit the application for preclearance.”
More information on the approval of California’s preclearance application can be found here:

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