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Chairman Smith: RPOF Chairman Bitner “Courageous” And An “Example For All Floridians” With ALS


For Immediate Release: April 29th, 2011
Contact: Eric Jotkoff, (850) 222-3411

 Chairman Smith: RPOF Chairman Bitner “Courageous” And An “Example For All Floridians” With ALS

Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith, responding to Republican Party of Florida Chairman Dave Bitner’s announcement that he was recently diagnosed with ALS, released the following statement:

“Today, I ask all Floridians to keep Republican Party Chairman Dave Bitner and his family in their thoughts and prayers. His determination to continue as Republican Party Chairman as he seeks treatment is courageous, setting an example for all Floridians with this tragic disease. I encourage all Floridians to visit to learn more about Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and hope Floridians will donate what they can to help researchers find a cure for ALS.”


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