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Herald-Tribune: Rick Scott is no leader

Published: Friday, July 8, 2011 at 1:00 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, July 7, 2011 at 6:54 p.m.

As a resident of Florida, I find it highly embarrassing to have a governor who does not have the common sense to realize that he is not wanted by the voters in his state. Even those who voted for him in the election are apparently abandoning their support for his self-serving ideas and programs.

For someone who promised 700,000 jobs with his unique programs that were to be based in a solid business model, Rick Scott has fallen woefully short of that promise. A solid business model is based on transparency beginning at the top, and he has all but closed the door of Florida’s Sunshine laws.

Mr. Scott is far from a leader. He is trying to macro-manage as well as micro-manage, instead of leading the citizens of our great state. It is time that a real recall effort begin to remove Mr. Scott from his position as governor.

Leaders are not made; they are born with the innate ability to inspire confidence and vision. This governor used his money in place of leadership abilities to gain his position.

No Floridian can feel safe and comfortable as long as Mr. Scott is in power.

Michael J. Daniels



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