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FDP Statement on Romney's Out of Touch Comments on Class Sizes

Tallahassee, FL –  Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith released the following statement on Mitt Romney’s belief that —against all evidence—small class sizes don’t help students and his plans to take us backward on education.


“While talking to teachers at a school in Philadelphia Mitt Romney was criticized for his belief – in the face of all evidence and logic – that reducing class sizes doesn’t really help students achieve a good education. He even cited a study by a consulting firm in defense of his position. Moreover, two years ago in his book, Romney even claimed, ‘in The United States, then, the effort to reduce classroom size may actually hurt education more than it helps.’

“Romney is out of touch with reality, and when confronted by teachers who know what’s going on in their classrooms, he continued to assert that smaller classrooms are not a solution for education. This is no surprise given his track record as Governor of Massachusetts, where by his second year in office Massachusetts schools saw the second largest cuts, per pupil, in the country. Romney also tried to cut funding for early literacy and kindergarten programs, vetoed a bill to create universal pre-kindergarten in Massachusetts, and even questioned the value of early education.

“While Mitt Romney is advocating for policies that move us backward, the President is laying a foundation for an economy built to last. Romney Economics would prioritize tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires over investments in our future – especially in our children. Our nation can’t afford Mitt Romney’s brand of cutting investments in middle class security for the short-term with no regard for what it means for long-term success.”


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