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Allen West: Obama Wants Americans to be his Slaves

To commemorate the 48th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, Allen West hurled more of the same vitriolic hate speech that has defined him and his campaign. At an event yesterday, West told the crowd that President Obama wants Americans to “be his slave” — demonstrating yet again that he lacks the judgement to lead, and further damaging the GOP brand for Florida Republicans across the state. More of West’s most inflammatory comments here.

This is far from the first time West has spewed this type of racially vitriolic rhetoric: 

Called the Democratic Party a “21st Century Plantation”, Compared Himself to Harriet Tubman. “You have this 21st century plantation that has been out there where the Democrat party has forever taken the black vote for granted. And you have established certain black leaders who are nothing more than overseers over the plantation. And now the people on that plantation are up because they’ve been disregarded,  disrespected and their concerns are not cared abt. So I’m here as the modern day Harriet Tubman to kind of lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.” [Fox News, 8/17/11]

Called Democratic Support of Entitlement Programs an “Insidious Form of Slavery. ””For this reason, the Republican value of minimizing government dependence is particularly beneficial to the poorest among us…Conversely, the Democratic appetite for ever-increasing redistributionary handouts is in fact the most insidious form of slavery remaining in the world today, and it does not promote economic freedom,” said West. [The Hill,2/15/12]

Said Obama’s Policies were “Destroying the Black Community.”  “As a Member of the Congressional Black Caucus and the House Small Business Committee, I am seriously concerned with the 13 percent unemployment number for Black Americans. The failed economic policies of President Obama are destroying the black community and lessening the chances for economic freedom while promoting economic dependence. Perhaps this is what the NAACP was afraid to hear me address.” [National Journal, 5/04/12]  

Rep. West: Obama Wants Americans To ‘Be His Slave’

July 02, 2012 at 2:16 pm

By Rikki Klaus,

PORT ST. LUCIE — Republican Rep. Allen West kicked off his Treasure Coast campaign for congressional District 18 on Sunday with a rally, during which he criticized President Obama on a variety of issues, using phrases and language guaranteed to get attention.

“He does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning and having that title of American. He’d rather you be his slave,” said West.

“I am offended by some of the things he says and does,” said Martin County Sheriff Robert Crowder, West’s challenger in the Aug. 14 primary.

Outside the rally, about 30 protesters held signs and chanted, declaring their distaste for the man speaking inside the Port St. Lucie Civic Center.

The battle for the newly drawn District 18 Florida congressional seat will be one of the most closely watched races this political season.

As the congressional districts were redrawn, West moved from a Broward and Palm Beach County-based seat to seek the new District 18 seat, with a Treasure Coast majority.

The protesters said they wished West had stayed down south.

“He seems to represent the richest 1 percent of Americans, and he’s forgetting about the 99 percent of us … the rest of us who actually work for a living and try to provide for our families,” said protester Jeff Callahan.

The Tea Party favorite also advocated for energy independence and told about 500 audience members he wants to rebuild families.

“I’ll fight for them,” said West.

Crowder is West’s Republican opponent in the primary election. However, despite his name recognition on the Treasure Coast, Crowder has raised a small portion of the millions in West’s war chest.

Crowder upset many Republicans in 2010 by supporting Democratic gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink. Still, he thinks his local ties and less polarizing demeanor make him the better candidate.

“I think trying to label some people that he would have to work with in Congress as being Communists … I just think that’s the wrong thing to do,” said Crowder.

Crowder’s camp is hoping to get the chance to debate West before the August primary


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