If You Like Rick Scott, You’ll Love Bob Brooks.
Both Rick Scott and Bob Brooks say that improving the economy is a top priority, but all they really care about is putting their extremist, Tea Party agenda ahead of Florida’s middle class families.
Just like Scott, Brooks has a record of championing extremist positions that are out of touch with Orlando’s values. Brooks has been called a “hard-right religious” conservative who’s “especially outspoken against abortion rights” and who said gay and lesbian individuals were “unnatural,” and providing health insurance for homosexual couples would “increase the spread of AIDS.”
Brooks is the original Tea Party candidate. When Brooks and Scott try to force their extremist values on the rest of us, it’s hard to trust them with Florida’s future.
Rick Scott said “Roe v. Wade should be overturned.”’I believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned’” [LifeNews.com, 10/4/10]
The Miami Herald described Bob Brooks as a “hard-right religious” conservative who is “especially outspoken against abortion rights.” [The Miami Herald, 08/20/02]
In 2011, Scott signed four anti-abortion bills into law. “Scott signed House Bill 97, which strips abortion coverage from health insurance exchanges…He also signed House Bill 501…House Bill 1247 was also signed at the ceremony — it places tougher restrictions on young women seeking a judicial bypass for the state’s parental notification of abortion. House Bill 1127, a bill requiring doctors to perform an ultrasound on women seeking an abortion whether it is medically necessary or not, was also signed” [Florida Independent, 08/01/11]
Brooks supports parental notification laws for minors seeking an abortion, even in the case of incest or rape. [Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops 2012 Questionnaire, accessed 8/6/12]
Scott supported a ban on adoption by same-sex couples. “Scott didn’t dodge the follow-up question on adoption of children by same-sex couples…‘I believe that children are raised in a more healthy environment if they’re raised by a married couple.’ When a moderator asked if he’d like to see a ban on same-sex adoption kept in place, his answer was a definitive ‘yes.’” [Equality Matters, 10/21/10]
Brooks called homosexual individuals “unhealthy, unnatural and unworthy.” “When the news broke…that Walt Disney Co. would start providing health insurance to domestic partners of homosexual employees” Bob Brooks and 14 other Florida state legislators signed a letter that said, “‘we strongly disapprove of your inclusion and endorsement of a lifestyle that is unhealthy, unnatural and unworthy of special treatment.’” [Orlando Sentinel, 10/19/95; Los Angeles Times 10/19/95]
Rick Scott opposes the Affordable Care Act, which helps same-sex couples find coverage. “Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) has never been shy about his opposition to the Affordable Care Act.” “HealthCare.gov allows consumers to compare the cost sharing and benefit choices of health plans and choose the best option to meet their needs. As a part of the plan finder update, domestic partners, including same-sex couples, can now filter plans that offer coverage for all members of their family.” [Huffington Post, 3/3/11; HHS.gov, 2/7/12]
Bob Brooks criticized Walt Disney. for providing insurance to homosexual partners, saying, “The policy will increase the spread of AIDS.” Bob Brooks “said the lawmakers also were concerned that Disney’s coverage of partners who are at a high risk for expensive medical ailments, such as AIDS, could lead to higher health-care costs for the company, and those costs could eventually be passed on to Disney customers,” and that “the policy will increase the spread of AIDS.” [Orlando Sentinel, 10/19/95; Los Angels Times 10/19/95; Tampa Tribune 10/15/94]
Rick Scott signed into law a controversial measure authorizing prayer in schools. “Gov. Rick Scott signed into law Friday a controversial proposal authorizing school prayer” [Miami Herald, 3/23/12]
Bob Brooks sponsored an amendment to allow in public schools “prayers that advocate a specific religion.” Brooks tried to attach to a bill to allow voluntary, student-led prayer in public schools an amendment that he was sponsoring to allow “prayers that advocate a specific religion.” [Tampa Tribune, 05/06/95]
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