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Special Paul Ryan Edition of the Florida Democratic Party News Clips

ROMNEY + RYAN + SCOTT = TROUBLE IN FLORIDA FOR THE GOP [FDP] “After proposing a plan to end Medicare as we know it and voting to lift the Cuban embargo, Florida has become a no-fly zone for Paul Ryan. Now that it is increasingly clear that Ryan is too toxic for the Sunshine State, Mitt Romney has finally been forced to turn to Rick Scott, the nation’s most unpopular governor, to introduce him this morning. But the Madoff of Medicare couldn’t be a worse choice to address seniors’ concerns on the Romney-Ryan plan, which replaces Medicare with a voucher program, since Scott’s company was involved in the largest Medicare fraud in the history of the United States. If Republicans are relying on the Romney-Scott-Ryan Team to carry the Sunshine State, Florida is looking like increasingly hostile territory for the GOP. “

See also: Romney and Scott offer up clashing narratives of Florida’s economy [Miami Herald] “With Florida a must-win for Mitt Romney, the candidate is emphasizing the state’s economic woes. But that narrative conflicts with the story the governor tells.” 


Paul Ryan Could Scare the Bejesus out of Florida Seniors [Bloomberg] 
Florida Newspapers: Ryan Could Be A Liability [Buzzfeed] 
Ryan could be a drag on Romney in Florida [Miami Herald]
Paul Ryan’s Cuban-embargo stance could be a sore point in Miami-Dade [Miami Herald] 
Analysts say Ryan pick intensifies Medicare debate for Florida seniors [Palm Beach Post] 
Romney’s VP choice could be risky in swing state Florida [Tampa Tribune] 
Ryan’s plan for Medicare will get Floridians’ attention [Ocala Star Banner] 
Some Seniors Worry Over Ryan Selection [Wall Street Journal] 
In Orlando event, Democrats criticize GOP VP pick, say he’s threat to state’s priorities [Orlando Sentinel] 
Ryan pick could hurt Romney in crucial fight for Florida [Reuters]  
Does Paul Ryan damage Romney’s chances in Fla? [Tampa Bay Times] 
Romney not bringing Ryan to Florida [Tampa Tribune] 

OFA LAUNCHES NEW VIDEO: What do Floridians think about the Romney-Ryan plan to end Medicare as we know it? “We asked Floridians what they thought of the Romney-Ryan plan.”


FLSEN FLASHBACK: Fla. Rep. Connie Mack calls Paul Ryan’s budget ‘a joke’ [Miami Herald] “Republican Congressman and Senate candidate Connie Mack called the budget plan, drafted by fellow Rep. Paul Ryan, a ‘joke’ during a weekend Orlando Tea Party forum”

What he meant to say: “Mack supports what Ryan is trying to do. ‘Connie would have voted for it,’ James said'”


Pelosi, Frankel fault Ryan’s Medicare plan [Palm Beach Post] “Even before Mitt Romney tapped Paul Ryan as his running mate, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s visit to a Boca Raton senior community last week made it clear that attacks on Ryan’s Medicare plan will be a centerpiece of Democrats’ general election strategy in Florida”

Republicans in Tight Races on Defense over Ryan [National Journal] “But Republicans also clearly understand from recent election history and opinion polling the potential potency of this line of Democratic attack, particularly among moderate voters in swing states with high numbers of retirees – Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and rust-belt areas.”

Paul Ryan VP pick rattles congressional campaigns [Politico] “Freshman Rep. Allen West, a top target for Democrats this fall, was equally enthusiastic about Romney’s choice…One of the problems for Republicans is that Democrats have a very simple entitlement-focused message that can be used effectively TV ads: They portray Ryan as taking away grandma’s Medicare”


New poll shows SD 8 race between Democrat Frank Bruno and Republican Dorothy Hukill a “dead heat” [SaintPetersBlog] “However, after voters hear biographical information followed by positive and negative messages about each candidate, Bruno opens up a +8 percentage point lead.” 

Sachs outraises Bogdanoff [SaintPetersBlog] “In the fundraising quarter ending August 9, Senator Maria Sachs outraised her opponent, Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff by 30 percent. “

SD 4: Dems putting money into Soderberg campaign [News Service of Florida] “Soderberg has raised $100,000 and has much of that still available.  ‘Nancy is a strong candidate with an exceptional record of service to her community and her country,’  Scott Arceneaux, executive director of the state Democratic Party told the Florida Times Union. ‘We’re confident that she’ll have the resources she needs to win, and we’re proud to support her.'”

Scott silent as utility bills soar [Tampa Bay Times editorial] “The hearing is focused on the broken Crystal River nuclear plant. It is unclear whether the plant can be fixed or is even worth fixing. But Rogers also should be asked about a proposed nuclear plant for Levy County and why ratepayers should continue to be billed in advance for a ridiculously expensive plant that may never be built…But those are no excuses for a governor who claims to be business-friendly but remains silent about rising costs for electricity that are bad for both businesses and consumers. Scott should go see Rogers today and demand better — or else.” 

Crystal River nuclear plant troubles stoke resident fears [Tampa Bay Times] “Workers from the Crystal River energy complex once packed the park. Now few remain, and most of them plan to leave.” 

Smell of cronyism in the wetlands [Tampa Bay Times editorial] “Every Floridian has a vested interest in wetlands — a primary means for recharging the aquifer and drinking water supply — and so should the state Department of Environmental Protection. But the more that is learned about how top officials have handled the wetland mitigation credit application of a well-connected landowner, the more it appears Gov. Rick Scott’s administration is more interested in currying favor than following the law.”

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