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Florida Dems Release New Ad: Moving

Tallahassee, FL — The Florida Democratic Party today released a new television ad, “Moving ,” highlighting Ian Whitney’s commitment to stand up to Rick Scott’s giveaways to millionaires and cuts to public education and finally put middle class families first.  The ad will begin airing today. See below for transcript and proof. 

“Tallahassee stopped working for us a long time ago,” said Ian Whitney.  “Everyday we see how the decision they make are impacting us — they don’t have our best interest in mind. As your state representative,  I’ll stop teacher lay offs, keep class sizes small and stop Rick Scott’s property insurance hikes. We need to invest in education and invest in our small businesses — that’s how we get Florida moving again.”



TYPE: 30 Seconds TV
Date: 9/24/12 

IAN WHITNEY: Tallahassee stopped working for us a long time ago.


IW: Everyday we see how the decision they make are impacting us. They don’t have our best interest in mind.

Legislature’s reckless, pork-barrel budget [Tampa Bay Times, 3/7/12]. “The proposed 2012-13 budget…is a study in pork-barrel spending, reckless policy and a shortchanged future.”

VO: Ian Whitney is a small business owner with the right kind of experience to fix our problems.

Whitney files for House seat [Key West Citizen, 4/26/12] “Whitney is president of the Key West Innkeepers Association and serves on the Key West Chamber of Commerce’s Tourism Committee. He has served on the Visit Florida Public Relations Committee, Visit Florida Communications Committee, Visit Florida Minority Grants Review Committee and two terms as vice president of the Key West Business Guild.”

IW: We need to invest in education, we need to invest in our small businesses. That’s how we get Florida moving again.

Whitney files for House seat [Key West Citizen, 4/26/12] “Whitney says that in addition to taking back Tallahassee from special interests, he plans to make education, state economic development and maintaining water quality his priority issues, noting that economic development is tied directly to education.”

VO: As our state Rep. he’ll stop teacher lay offs, keep class sizes small and stop Rick Scott’s property insurance hikes.

Republican budget cuts are forcing schools to layoff teachers and cut programs like arts and athletics. “Critics said it doesn’t cover the $1.3 billion cut they got last year…That has school officials contemplating layoffs and the elimination of such programs as arts and athletics” [AP, 4/17/12. See also: WSVN, 4/27/10; The Ledger, 2/20/11; Ocala Star Banner, 9/19/11; Orlando Sentinel, 5/17/11]


Citizens Insurance: A storm over reinspections, rate hikes[Times/Herald, 8/11/12] “The campaign — which has intensified at the urging of Gov. Rick Scott — has already cost homeowners hundreds of millions of dollars. And the pocketbook impact could easily reach the billions as more and more homeowners are affected.”

VO: Ian Whitney, one of us.



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