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Palm Beach Post: Sachs Over Bogdanoff

Key point: “Sen. Bogdanoff favored, and Sen. Sachs opposed, a plan to privatize more than two dozen Florida prisons. The plan was half-baked because the state could not show that privatization would save money or do a better job. Sen. Bogdanoff also favored, and Sen. Sachs opposed, a similarly half-baked plan to let private charter school companies take over public schools if enough parents could be persuaded to endorse the takeover. The plan failed on a 20-20 tie in the Senate. Backers did not know or did not care that the California model on which the bill was based had not produced a single example of success — though it had created a legal quagmire.”

Palm Beach Post: Sachs Over Bogdanoff

If you are a voter in Florida Senate District 34 and your No. 1 issue is a desire for more gambling options in Florida, congratulations. You win no matter which candidate — Republican Ellyn Bogdanoff or Democrat Maria Sachs — wins.

Sen. Bogdanoff, R-Fort Lauderdale, was the key Senate sponsor of last session’s effort to bring “destination resort” casinos to South Florida. The measure didn’t survive multiple attacks, including opposition from Central Florida theme parks and social conservatives. But plenty of Democrats back expanded gambling, including Sen. Sachs, D-Delray Beach, who favors adding slot machines at Palm Beach Kennel Club.

After gambling, which is likely to be back next session, major differences separate the candidates. The Post endorses Sen. Sachs in hopes that her election would head off reckless legislation the too-powerful Republican majority has been eager to pass. Electing Sen. Sachs could help deny Republicans the two-thirds supermajority that too often lets them drop any pretense of bipartisanship. 

That’s a strategic reason to support Sen. Sachs. On substance, we’ll cite two examples in which Sen. Bogdanoff went along with the GOP leadership and Sen. Sachs cast a better vote. In each case Sen. Sachs was on the prevailing side because a handful of Republican senators had the courage to say no. 

Sen. Bogdanoff favored, and Sen. Sachs opposed, a plan to privatize more than two dozen Florida prisons. The plan was half-baked because the state could not show that privatization would save money or do a better job. Sen. Bogdanoff also favored, and Sen. Sachs opposed, a similarly half-baked plan to let private charter school companies take over public schools if enough parents could be persuaded to endorse the takeover. The plan failed on a 20-20 tie in the Senate. Backers did not know or did not care that the California model on which the bill was based had not produced a single example of success — though it had created a legal quagmire.

Sen. Bogdanoff isn’t always reckless. She supports criminal justice reforms that would include more appropriate sentencing. Both parties are pouring money into this race, the only face-off between Senate incumbents. The redistricting map gives Sen. Sachs the edge — Democrats are the majority, as are Palm Beach County voters. The district generally is south of Boynton Beach Boulevard and east of the Turnpike. It extends into Broward south of Fort Lauderdale.

This is not a race for control of the Florida Senate. Republicans will keep that. It’s a race to prevent total Republican control, which is why we endorse Sen. Sachs.

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