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FL Dems Statement on Republican Proposal Which Fails To Restore Voting Rights For Floridians

TALLAHASSEE, FL — Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith today issued the following statement on a Republican proposal which fails to restore the full 14 days of voting to Florida citizens who were stripped of them in the last election by Rick Scott and the Republican Party under HB 1355. 


“Any discussion of reforming Florida’s broken election system must begin with fully repealing HB 1355 — the Republican’s law which led to our disastrous election and a national humiliation for our state. This Republican proposal is a band-aid over a gaping wound, and fails to restore the electoral voting rights which were stripped from Florida’s citizens by Rick Scott. The solution is simple: repeal HB 1355 so that we can ensure that every Floridia citizen is able to fully and easily excerise their constitutional right to participate in our democracy.” 


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