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FL Dems Statement on Jeb Bush’s Counterproductive Gymnastics on Immigration

Tallahassee, FL — Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Allison Tant released the following statement on Jeb Bush’s stunning hypocrisy on commonsense immigration reform and ensuring a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants:

“Jeb Bush’s credibility on the issue of commonsense immigration reform has vanished. As recently as last June, he supported a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. In his new book, he reverses that position and says undocumented immigrants do not deserve the ‘full benefits of American citizenship.’ And then today, one day after he said he opposed a path to citizenship, he said he wouldn’t oppose it if it were part of a final deal.  To say that Jeb Bush’s sudden change of positions on this important issue is enough to give someone whiplash would be putting it kindly.

“Jeb Bush’s flip-flop-flip is enough to make anyone queasy.  Instead of consistently advocating for a path citizenship as part of commonsense immigration reform, Jeb Bush has been on every side of the issue – toggling between someone who pretends to want to lead on the issue and someone who wants to simply lead the Tea Party.  Jeb Bush’s  mixed signals on this issue are hurtful and counterproductive to the good faith, bipartisan efforts in Congress to achieve commonsense reform.  This cravenly political approach to such an important issue might be a surprise to the national political pundits Jeb Bush has suddenly fallen in love with in his zeal to sell books, but to Floridians it’s simply par for the course.”

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