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Florida Democratic Party Statement on the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

Tallahassee, FL — To mark the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, a seminal event in the history of our nation, Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant made the following statement:
“Fifty years ago today the largest crowd that had ever gathered in our nation’s capitol heard a remarkable leader, a man of faith and personal courage, proclaim his dream of a more perfect nation. Aross America we remember this moment when so many came together to demand an end to injustice that had gone on far too long. Those who gathered in the March on Washington changed America in ways they only hoped and prayed for. We have come so far because of their legacy.
“Today, we recommit ourselves to fulfilling Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream — and commit to fighting for a more perfect union.”

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