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Congressman Southerland Fact Checks Himself, Receives a False

Tallahassee, FL – In today’s Tallahassee Democrat, Congressman Steve Southerland says he’s “reaching across party lines” – a incredulous claim that’s not just a stretch – it’s downright false. In fact, Congressman Southerland sent out yet another hyper-partisan attack email just this morning.

“From torpedoing the Farm Bill with a last minute partisan poison pill, to joining a fringe of the most dysfunctional in Washington to vote against ending the government shutdown that he caused, Congressman Southerland’s record of Tea Party extremism speaks for itself and represents everything North Floridians hate about the gridlock in Washington,” said Max Steele of the Florida Democratic Party. “When Congressman Southerland says one thing – after doing the exact opposite in Washington, it’s impossible for North Floridians to trust a word Congressman Southerland says.”  


See for yourself: 

1.     Time: Southerland Killed Farm Bill with “Partisan Poison Pill.” 

2.     SaintPetersBlog: Steve Southerland’s hypocritical shot-and-chaser.

3.     Orlando Sentinel: Southerland “Vowed to be ‘Combative’,” Denounced Compromise

4.     Tampa Bay Times: Southerland’s Top Aide Called to Stand with Ted Cruz During Shutdown 

5.     Tampa Bay Times: Southerland Showed Himself as “More Interested in Currying Tea Party Favor” When He “Effectively Killed Reauthorization of the Farm Bill.” 

6.     Businessweek: Tea Party Southerland Helped Make Farm Bill a “Partisan Flash Point.” 

7.     Tallahassee Democrat: Southerland a “Tea Party Favorite.” 

8.     Weekly Standard: Southerland a “Tea Party Insider.” 

9.     Tampa Bay Times: Steve Southerland cites vote with Pelosi, then uses her as liberal demon to attack rival

10.  WTSP: Southerland Fails to Break With Party on Votes.

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