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Pam Bondi’s Latest Anti-LGBT Tactic: Let’s Hit Pause on Justice

After spending taxpayer dollars unsuccessfully defending Florida’s ban on marriage equality, Pam Bondi has found on a new strategy: asking LGBT Floridians to suspend their fight for justice to “preserve taxpayer and judicial resources.” 

Instead of simply suspending her bigoted defense the ban, as seven Attorneys General across the United States have done, Pam Bondi wants LGBT Floridians to just cool their jets. 

The citizens who have bravely stood up for their rights are not the ones wasting taxpayer money — that responsibility lies squarely on Pam Bondi’s shoulders. And her newfound economic  economic argument rings hollow for another reason: last year, Bondi spent “taxpayer and judicial resources” defending a polluter 800 miles away in the Chesapeake Bay.

“Pam Bondi’s attempt to stonewall the efforts of LGBT Floridians to secure their civil rights because it’s an inconvenience to her reelection campaign is not just offensive, it’s unconscionable,” said Florida Democratic Party Political Director Christian Ulvert. “If Pam Bondi truly cared about preserving taxpayer resources, she should simply stop standing up for the forces of discrimination. 

“This move is a continuation of Pam Bondi’s assault on the civil rights of LGBT Floridians. Justice is not delivered on the whims of convenience, and no matter how much it may frustrate Pam Bondi, we will not give up this fight until all Floridians enjoy full equality under the law.”  

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