Today, Senator Dwight Bullard and former Representative Ana Rivas Logan condemned Rick Scott’s failed record as his bus tour arrived in Miami.
Rick Scott is promising Floridians he’ll make their lives easier — but his record proves that he won’t. In 2010, Scott promised to cut taxes. But after he was elected, Florida families ended up paying $400 million more in property taxes than they did under Charlie Crist. Floridians know that if Scott is reelected, he’ll deliver nothing but taxpayer giveaways to special interests and big corporations — just like he’s done over the last four years.
Senator Dwight Bullard said, “I don’t know how Rick Scott can look the people of Miami-Dade County in the eye. He has failed to expand access to health care, raised property taxes on the middle class, refused to acknowledge the threat climate change, and allowed utilities to hike rates sky high. This latest bus tour is just a bandwagon of broken promises. For so many middle class Floridians, every day expenses have gone up under Rick Scott. Unfortunately for this governor, empty campaign promises will not hide is record of failure that South Floridians are all to familiar with.”
Former Republican Representative Ana Rivas Logan said, “Floridanos no deben ser engañados por las recientes promesas de Rick Scott. En el 2010, Scott prometió que trabajaría contra los intereses especiales, que bajaría los pagos de utilidades y los impuestos sobre propiedad. Pero después de su elección, Scott acepto millones de dólares para su campaña de compañías corporativas. Ahora, las familias trabajadoras de nuestro estado, que pagan impuestos y que son dueños de propiedades se encuentran pagando cantidades mucho más altas. Así como las promesas que hizo en su última campaña para gobernador, sus promesas de hoy se desaparecerán el día después de su elección.”