For months, Floridians have heard Rick Scott’s spin. He’s spent over $40 million on TV ads, over 70 percent of them negative. He’s hit Charlie Crist with every conceivable attack — that’s called the kitchen sink strategy.
It hasn’t worked.
Rick Scott is tied with Charlie Crist after outspending him by tens of millions of dollars. The race has remained incredibly close — and the recent polls have Gov. Crist pulling ahead.
Floridians have heard Scott’s talking points. They’re not persuaded. In the Telemundo debate, Rick Scott has one job: to give Floridians a single new reason to vote for him.
Rick Scott has chosen to spend his millions airing baseless attacks instead of talking about issues important to Florida’s middle class. He doesn’t answer questions on the vital issues of our times — or even the most basic issues facing Florida.
Rick Scott is deadlocked. His campaign war chest, spin, and false attacks have failed to give him an edge. When he takes the stage at Telemundo, what will Rick Scott tell Florida’s Hispanic community that is any different from his empty campaign rhetoric?
Can Rick Scott do that — give Florida’s middle class, Florida’s Hispanic community, a single new reason to vote for him? Or will he just repeat his stale talking points and negative personal attacks? Floridians will be watching.