In advance of tonight’s final gubernatorial debate, the Florida Democratic Party is releasing a new web ad highlighting Rick Scott’s lies.
In the past two debates, Rick Scott has repeated the same stale talking points and misleading untruths that have failed him for four years:
- Claiming Charlie Crist allowed Duke Energy to bilk taxpayers for power plants that were never built — when in fact Jeb Bush signed that law.
- Claiming utility rates are lower under his administration — when in fact, they are higher.
- Claiming he has properly funded environmental protection — when in fact, he has gutted the agencies that protect Florida’s natural treasures.
- Claiming his blind trust ensures he avoids conflict with state business — when in fact his numerous conflicts of interest have been in headlines for years.
- Claiming he refused to debate Charlie Crist because Charlie was not ready to debate — when in fact, Charlie was standing on stage in front of television cameras for the whole state to see, waiting for Scott to show up.
Watch the web ad, which will be playing on social media across Florida: