As we hit the three week mark of Florida’s 2015 legislative session, it looks like the Republicans think the voters sent them to Tallahassee to attack women’s health care, minorities, consumers, students, and open government.
Here’s just a sample of the radical agenda the Florida GOP has been pushing the past three weeks…
— Limiting a woman’s right to access health care, even in cases of rape or incest.
— Writing bigotry into law, banning transgender Floridians rom using the bathroom and opening them and their employers to violence and lawsuits.
— Putting more guns on college campuses, despite unanimous opposition from Florida’s campus police officials.
— Restricting the ability of LGBT Floridians to adopt children by allowing adoption agencies to discriminate.
— Rejecting reforms to the crippled state prison system and letting the fox guard the henhouse by even refusing to allow independent oversight.
— Allowing big utilities to continue to fleece Florida ratepayers by charging fees for nuclear plants that will never be built.
— Refusing to offer a serious fix in the House for how to solve the LIP health care funding crisis.
— Continuing to push Florida’s behind closed doors by proposing 50 exceptions to sunshine laws.
And because since it’s Sunshine Week in the Sunshine State, of course this week we learned that — after admitting to hiding state business on a secret email account — Rick Scott now claims to have stopped using email completely for state business.