Donald Trump’s Got Nothing on Rick Scott’s Suppression Game
Fears of Donald Trump suppressing climate change research are widespread, but he’s got nothing on Florida Governor Rick Scott
The New York Times made news yesterday when they released a report about scientists fearing that their climate change research linking extreme weather events to human activity will be suppressed by the Trump administration. But, Floridians know this story all too well. For years, Rick Scott and his administration banned the terms “climate change”, “sea level rise” and “global warming”.
“Donald Trump took a page from his buddy Rick Scott’s book by suppressing the facts that hurt his special interest agenda, but Trump has a long way to go before he catches up with Scott’s game of climate change denial. Throughout his tenure, Rick Scott has ignored the experts and the people of Florida who have demanded action on climate change. Instead he denies that climate change exists and banned his own employees from even uttering the words, all while our state suffers the environmental, economic and health consequences of Rick Scott’s willful negligence.” said FDP spokesperson Johanna Cervone.