Florida Democratic Party Interim Chair Judy Mount announces she will not seek the position of Chair permanently
After careful consideration and wide consultation, Chair Mount said she will back the Chair elected.
“I have always supported the Florida Democratic Party, its candidates and the causes so important to all of us true blue Democrats. I will continue to do so, just not as the next elected Chair,” Mount said.
Mount said she intends to work as Interim Chair to swiftly and effectively elect a new Chair to fill the vacancy created by Stephen Bittel’s resignation.
“I said on Friday the focus was not on me. That’s true. The focus is on advancing the causes and candidates of the Florida Democratic Party, moving forward and winning in 2018. I’m confident our membership will elect a Chair to lead us successfully to victories at the polls and to fight hard for the issues important to regular people in Florida. That’s what I’ve always worked so hard to get done. I’m not stopping now.”
Mount serves, in addition to her position with the Florida Democratic Party, as a member of the Democratic National Committee member and as the elected Vice Chair of the Southern Region of the Association of State Democratic Chairs. She has a distinguished history of blazing trails. She is the first African American woman elected to office in Jackson County. She has previously served as Congressional District 2 Chairwoman, Chair of the Democratic County Chairs Association, Chair of the Jackson County DEC, and Treasurer of the Florida Democratic Party. She has faithfully served in these capacities for five previous FDP Chairs.
“I look forward to working with and whole-heartedly supporting the next Chair of the Florida Democratic Party,” Mount said.