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DeSantis Should Break Ties with Sexual Predator, Steve Wynn

Ron DeSantis Should Break Ties with DeSantis Supporter and Sexual Predator, Steve Wynn



TALLAHASSEE, FL – Just hours after Congressman Ron DeSantis launched his campaign for governor, he continues to remain silent over accusations of sexual harassment by one of his biggest supporters, Steve Wynn. Wynn, who is accused of sexually harassing dozens of his employees and even pressuring them to perform sexual acts, has been a long-time supporter of DeSantis.


”In Congress, and now as a candidate for Governor, DeSantis has styled himself as a champion against sexual harassment, making his failure to denounce Wynn not only egregious, but hypocritical,” said Florida Democratic Party spokeswoman Caroline Rowland. “Congressman DeSantis should publicly denounce Mr. Wynn and immediately break ties with him to make it clear that he has zero tolerance for sexual harassment and misconduct.”


Wynn has been one of DeSantis most prominent political donors, and the Congressman has repeatedly bragged about earning the casino magnate’s support. Wynn was a leading fundraiser for DeSantis run for U.S. Senate in 2015 and 2016. According to Politico Florida, DeSantis repeatedly boasted about earning Wynn’s endorsement, writing in an email that Wynn was actively working behind the scenes for him to secure the backing of Karl Rove and Crossroads GPS. And before entering the gubernatorial race, DeSantis went as far as to personally beg Donald Trump to help him win Wynn’s backing.

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