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ICYMI: Another factor for Rick Scott to consider…

ICYMI: Another factor for Rick Scott to consider for Senate bid: Disclosing, managing his money


A new report from the Tampa Bay Times reveals that Rick Scott will have to answer questions about his shady financial past if he decides to run for U.S. Senate. The federal laws are a lot more strict than Florida’s, and voters will learn how his self-serving politics have helped put millions in his own pocket while he served as Governor. 


“Floridians already know that Scott made millions by overseeing the largest Medicare fraud in history, if he runs for Senate voters could soon learn new details about how he enriched himself while in office at the expense of Florida’s working families. The bottom line: Scott will have a lot of questions to answer about where his money has come from, and he’ll be facing fresh revelations about how his self-serving politics have hurt Florida,” said FDP Spokeswoman Caroline Rowland. 



Tampa Bay Times, 2/9/18, Another factor for Rick Scott to consider for Senate bid: Disclosing, managing his money

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