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Eight Years Since Deepwater Horizen, Rick Scott Supported Drilling Even After Disaster

Rick Scott supported drilling off Florida’s coasts even after the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, 2010, tragically killing 11 crewmembers and causing one of the largest oil spills in United States history. This anniversary is a reminder of Rick Scott’s dangerous environmental record including his support of offshore drilling, him gutting agencies that oversee the environment, and even prohibiting staff from using the words “climate change.” Just this week, a group of Florida students sued Scott for refusing to acknowledge climate change.

On the anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploding, Florida Democratic Party spokesman Sebastian Kitchen released the following statement:

“Rick Scott has led an eight-year assault on the environment including supporting drilling in Florida waters even after the Deepwater Horizon explosion spewed more than 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico – contaminating one of Florida’s greatest natural resources. Rick Scott’s political stunts do not change his repeated attacks on the environment and him advocating for drilling even after this spill damaged the environment, the tourism industry and the economy in coastal communities. Rick Scott is looking out for himself and his donors – not Florida’s water, beaches, wildlife and tourism industry.”

Some key information to remember when considering Rick Scott’s dangerous policies on the environment and oil drilling include:

PolitiFact rated Rick Scott a full flip flop for repeatedly changing his position on drilling.

Sun Sentinel Editorial: Gov. Rick Scott should listen to students on climate change

The Gainesville Sun Editorial: Young people fighting for better future

“It shouldn’t take children to force adults to get serious about climate change. Sadly that is the situation in Florida, where the governor and other state officials refuse to acknowledge climate change is a major problem — much less do something about it.”
“After Scott spent much of his two terms as governor weakening environmental regulations and the state agencies charged with enforcing them, he is now pretending to be an environmentalist as he runs for the U.S. Senate.”

Sun Sentinel Editorial: Trump, Gov. Rick Scott too slippery on oil drilling

Huffington Post: Rick Scott’s Early Gift From Trump Team May Create More Problems Than It’s Worth

Politico: Hatch Act complaint against Zinke follows Scott’s Senate announcement

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