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Study: Backed by DeSantis and Putnam, Trump's ACA Sabatoge Will Raise Premiums By $1,011 in Florida

A new study from the Center for American Progress finds that Donald Trump’s sabotage of the Affordable Care Act — which Adam Putnam and Ron DeSantis enthusiastically supported —will raise Floridians’ premiums on average by $1,011.

The analysis examines both the impact of repealing the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate and the Trump administration’s proposed rule to rescind limits on the sale of short-term insurance plans and projects the average increase in insurance premiums for a 40-year-old marketplace shopper for the 2019 plan year.

“For the past year, Ron DeSantis and Adam Putnam have strongly backed the Trump Administration’s efforts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act and raise Floridian’s health care premiums,” said Florida Democratic Party spokesperson Kevin Donohoe. “Floridians can thank Donald Trump, Adam Putnam and Ron DeSantis for making their health care dramatically more expensive.”

As a member of Congress, Ron DeSantis strongly backed both the repeal of the individual mandate and even went as far to say that efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act did not go far enough. Adam Putnam has also made supporting Trump’s efforts to sabotage the ACA a central part of his campaign — and routinely touts Trump’s efforts to take away health care from Floridians while giving tax cuts to the rich.

Ron DeSantis and Adam Putnam have both aggressively worked to align themselves closely with the Trump administration and both are competing aggressively behind the scenes for the support of the Trump White House.

Ron DeSantis Voted for Donald Trump’s Sabatoge of Obamacare

DeSantis Voted for the Trump Tax Bill That Repealed the Individual Mandate. According to the New York Times, “The House voted 227-203 on Tuesday to pass the Republican tax overhaul bill. The Times tracked how every representative voted, live from the House chamber. Twelve Republicans voted no, and all but one of them were from California, New Jersey or New York. The bill was expected to pass, and now it will head to the Senate. If it passes the Senate, President Trump could then sign the legislation into law.” According to the Times’ count, DeSantis voted yea. [New York Times, 12/19/17]

DeSantis Said the AHCA Didn’t Go Far Enough. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “Both oppose the legislation, which House Speaker Paul Ryan is pushing through despite growing resistance from factions within the party. Ros-Lehtinen, of Miami, says the plan goes too far. ‘Too many of my constituents will lose insurance and there will be less funds to help the poor and elderly with their health care,’ she said. DeSantis, of Palm Coast, says it doesn’t go far enough. ‘By retaining the core features of Obamacare, the American Health Care Act fails to address the escalating cost of health insurance.'” [Tampa Bay Times, 3/15/17]

Adam Putnam Cheered on Donald Trump’s Efforts to Repeal and Sabatoge the ACA

In July 2017, Putnam Tweeted, “Join Adam in Standing With President Trump Against Obamacare.” According to a tweet from @adamputnam, “Join Adam in standing with President Trump against Obamacare. Add your name now!” The graphic read, “Support a Healthcare Plan That Works.” [Twitter, @adamputnam, 7/21/17]

In December 2017, Putnam Celebrated the Passage of the Trump Tax Bill on Twitter. According to a tweet from @adamputnam, “Finally! The greatest tax reform in three decades. $1.5 trillion back in the hands of American families and businesses, where it belongs.” [Twitter, @adamputnam, 12/19/17]

In September 2017, Putnam Issued a Statement Supporting Graham-Cassidy. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “Adam Putnam, the Florida Agriculture Commissioner who declared his candidacy in May, issued the following statement: ‘Obamacare has hurt Florida – it has destroyed jobs, cost businesses money and cut Floridians’ access to healthcare. Prices are going up, and choices are going down. Currently, Floridians in 47 of our 67 counties have just one insurer to choose from in the Obamacare marketplace. We must replace Obamacare with a solution that puts Floridians first, one that ensures Floridians have access to high quality healthcare at an affordable price by increasing competition in the marketplace. Congress needs to focus, for once, and get this done.'” [Tampa Bay Times, 9/21/17]


News Service of Florida: Report says changes will increase health premiums in Florida

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