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In a Brutal Interview with CBS Miami, Adam Putnam Reveals He Has No Health Care Plan

Putnam Struggles to Answer Questions About Expanding Health Care for Florida’s Uninsured

Adam Putnam has been running for governor for his entire life — but during that time he hasn’t come up with even one idea to expand access to health care for Floridians.

During a brutal interview today with CBS Miami’s Jim DeFede, Putnam was repeatedly asked what he would do to expand affordable, quality care for Floridians. Putnam could not name one policy he supported that would expand access to health care — and instead embarrassingly and incoherently said that his workforce development plan was his health care plan.That plan never mentions health care or health insurance.

“Adam Putnam has spent his entire life running for governor and still doesn’t have one idea on how to expand care for hundreds of thousands of Floridians,” said FDP spokesperson Kevin Donohoe. “This interview reveals who Putnam really is: a career politician who wants to win higher office and has zero interest in working Floridians.

One in five Floridians is uninsured — and over the past two years that number has risen. Yet Putnam seems both unaware of the problem, and uninterested in addressing it. Putnam has spent much of his career in public office opposing solutions to expand affordable, quality care for Floridians. He has blocked Medicaid expansion, refused to stand up for Floridians with pre-existing conditions, and backed the Trump administration’s efforts to raise health care costs.

Health care is a top issue for Floridians in both parties. A recent Fox News poll showed that it was the second most important issue for Republican voters.

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