National Convention

2020 Democratic Convention

The Democratic National Convention will be broadcast from Milwaukee and across the nation, in a convention geared to reach out to all Americans. Host city Milwaukee will anchor the events for the week, and programming will include both live broadcasts and curated content from Milwaukee and other satellite cities, locations and landmarks across the country.

Delegates are advised not to travel to Milwaukee, and business will be conducted remotely to protect health and safety. See below for how to receive updates.

Convention Schedule

Monday, August 17 – Thursday, August 20

The daily Convention schedule is listed now at demconvention.com/schedule. Caucus and Council meetings are open to the public, so make sure you RSVP for any meetings you wish to attend! Each evening of the Convention program will be broadcast from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM EDT.

Florida Delegation Events

Members of Florida’s delegation are invited to attend these special events, hosted by the Florida Democratic Party. Join fellow delegates, elected officials, and special guests to celebrate the Democratic National Covention!

Florida Delegation Kick Off PartySunday, August 16 at 7pm EDT
Florida Delegation BreakfastMonday, August 17 at 9am EDT
Florida Nomination Night ReceptionThursday, August 20 at 8pm EDT 

Social Media Updates

Make sure to follow @DemConvention on social media for the latest updates and exclusive content.

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Get involved with the Democratic National Convention

The Democratic Party Platform: Our Roadmap for Moving America Forward.

In the digital age, we’ve figured out a way to share our stories and come even closer as a party. And with that in mind, the DNC is committed to making this the most inclusive convention yet. They have launched a digital engagement campaign with the purpose of inviting voters to share ideas, values and beliefs they want to see in the 2020 Party Platform. American across the country will be able upload and share their story in a brief video message.

DNC Invites Americans to Add Voices to 2020 Party Platform Process

The Democratic Story

The 2020 Democratic National Convention will speak to more Americans than ever before: our ideas, our beliefs, our stories. Add your voice here.

I Know Joe

Interested in sharing your story of how Joe Biden has personally impacted you or your community? You can now submit a video telling your story! Add your story here

How will official business that would have taken place at the convention be conducted?

The DNC is committed to making sure that delegates’ safety is the top priority and that official business is not disrupted due to the new changes to the core format of the convention. All delegates will be able to cast their nominating votes remotely during the convention and DNC standing committees and caucus and council meetings will take place virtually.

How can I watch the Democratic National Convention?

The official live stream for the 2020 Democratic National Convention will be hosted on the Dem Convention YouTube channel. More details on ways to watch the Democratic National Convention will be made available in the coming weeks. You can see the Convention schedule at demconvention.com/schedule.

What does it mean to anchor the convention in Milwaukee?

While the Convention and its delegates will not be physically in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the program will remain anchored at the Wisconsin Center in Downtown Milwaukee.

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