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Florida Democratic Party Chair Slams Trump For Pushing SCOTUS To Rule On Obamacare After The 2020 Election

On January 10, Politico reported that the Trump administration urged the Supreme Court to not fast track a review of the Affordable Care Act — meaning the status of the law would be in doubt until after the general election.

Terrie Rizzo, chair of the Florida Democratic Party, called out Trump’s underhanded move:

“Donald Trump wants to rip up the Affordable Care Act. He wants to throw away a law passed by Democrats that protects the health care of over three million Floridians with pre-existing conditions and has brought health insurance to millions more across the country.

He tried and failed to get Congress to repeal the ACA, so he wants the courts to do his dirty work for him. His latest attempt to have the Supreme Court wait to rule on his plans until after the election is a deceptive move to hide his health care destruction while pretending to protect coverage. Voters should know the truth before they vote, not after.”

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