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Questions for Trump and DeSantis Ahead of White House Press Conference

Governor DeSantis is scheduled to meet with President Trump today for a press conference at the White House. The Florida Democratic Party has a few questions for them:

1. Yesterday, Governor DeSantis blamed the media for “downplaying” the threat of coronavirus in February, yet President Trump spent that entire month stating the virus was “under control” and comparing it to the flu. DeSantis, why aren’t you also critical of President Trump downplaying the virus in February and failing to prepare? President Trump, why did you ignore the crisis for so long?

2. Last Thursday, frontline medical professionals gathered outside hospitals throughout South Florida to protest a lack of personal protective equipment. President Trump, why did you send 17 tons of PPE to China in February and why haven’t you fully used the Defense Production Act to source PPE for states instead of making them compete against each other and the federal government for supplies?

3. The Trump administration promised 27 million tests by the end of March, but failed to deliver. They have to date only conducted 5.6 million tests in a country of 328 million people. President Trump, are you passing testing off to the states because you failed to plan and execute a national testing strategy early in the pandemic?

BONUS: President Trump, why did you put a former labradoodle breeder with no public health experience in charge of the U.S. pandemic task force?

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