This morning Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 90, a blatant voter suppression bill at a political rally masquerading as a bill signing. In November, Governor DeSantis said at a rally right here in West Palm Beach that “Florida did it right” with our elections. Now, in the same city, he and the Republican legislature are choosing to add new onerous restrictions to an election system that they praised just a few months prior.
In response, Florida Democratic Party Chair Manny Diaz released the following statement:
“Governor DeSantis and the Florida Republicans are more interested in holding on to power than ensuring fair access to our democracy. They all praised the quality of the November elections here in Florida and now they are changing the rules. For the Florida Republicans, this bill is not about election integrity, it is about blatant voter suppression, just because they can.
“It is clear that when given a choice between defending the rights of voters, or suppressing voters, the Florida Republicans will disturbingly choose to suppress and sacrifice our rights every single time. This is not a question of Republicans versus Democrats, but Republicans versus democracy— and democracy in Florida is suffering because the Republicans are in power.”