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Millions Of Florida Families Are Benefiting From A Major Middle Class Tax Cut Marco Rubio Opposed

Today millions of families across Florida will receive another monthly tax cut to help them afford child care and pay the bills, proving again that the Child Tax Credit expansion Marco Rubio voted against has been a major help for working families.

“Nearly 3.6 million children across Florida are benefitting from these tax cuts, and Marco Rubio’s vote against this measure to lift children out of poverty sends a clear message to Floridians. At a time when working families are counting on their leaders to help them make ends meet, Marco Rubio is more focused on his own political agenda than doing what’s best for Florida,” said Florida Democratic Party spokesperson Grant Fox.

A recent study showed the new CTC has lifted over 3.5 million children out of poverty across the country, and polls show the program is broadly popular. Yet Rubio continues to vocally oppose it.


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