
Statement from Florida Democratic Party Chair Manny Diaz on Veterans Day

Today, Nov.11, 2021, the United States marks Veteran’s Day, a federal holiday created in 1954 to honor those who served our nation. There are over 1.5 million veterans in Florida, whose service the state honors and remembers today. Democratic Party Chairman Manny Diaz issued the following statement thanking these veterans for their invaluable contribution: 

“Whether it was on the beaches of Normandy or fighting the war on terror in far flung places across the globe, our veterans have protected our freedoms and our way of life, often putting their lives on the line for us. To all those who donned a uniform in our name, I want to say we value your unparalleled courage, your sacrifice and your dedication to our country. I especially thank all those Floridians whose personal stories are a testament of their ideals and love of country, and who honor our state with their presence.

“In Florida, we pride ourselves in being a veteran-friendly state and having the third largest veteran population in the country. Many were originally from here and came back home; others have worked at military installations such as the U.S. Central Command in Tampa and the U.S. Southern Command in Miami; and others have simply chosen to be our friends and neighbors. We are proud of you and appreciate you.

“I call on all Floridians to not just remember them and their sacrifices today, but every day of the year, just as these men and women worked and risked their lives for us every day of their service. We salute our Veterans. Thank you all for your commitment and perseverance. God bless you and Happy Veterans Day.”

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