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Florida Democratic Party Statement On New Orlando Sentinel Report About Marco Rubio Failing To Show Up For Work

Florida Democratic Party Executive Director Marcus L. Dixon released the following statement on a new report that found Marco Rubio is yet again failing to show up and do the job Floridians are paying him to do:

“Marco Rubio’s repeated failures to show up for work leave Florida without a voice on critical issues, including important national security concerns, and they’re an insult to the hardworking people who pay his salary. If Marco Rubio had any other job, he would be immediately fired, and next November Floridians will see to it that he loses his job.”

Rubio has missed over a dozen recent hearings about protecting senior citizens, helping small businesses, and vital issues of national security, including the nomination of an ambassador to China. The recent news is part of Rubio’s long history of failing to show up for his job. During his failed presidential campaign, Rubio skipped critical national security briefings for fundraisers, earning the worst attendance record of any sitting Senator at the time.


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