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Florida Democratic Party Chair Praises The Advancement Of The Build Back Better Act

Following the House Of Representatives voting to pass the Build Back Better Act, Florida Democratic Party Chair Manny Diaz released the following statement:

“Democrats are focused on lowering costs for Floridians, and advancing the Build Back Better Act puts us one step closer to cutting the cost of health care, child care, pre-school, and more for millions of people.

“I’m proud that every Florida Democrat voted in favor of advancing our agenda that puts working people first, and tackles the most pressing problems Floridians face. Combined with the Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act, the Build Back Better agenda will lower costs, cut taxes, and invest in our future by creating more good-paying jobs.

“Sadly, every Florida Republican in Congress stands opposed to these plans that will help Floridians make ends meet. The contrast could not be clearer. When they had control of Congress, Florida Republicans tried to gut our health care laws to raise the cost of care, and spent billions of dollars giving tax cuts to corporations and their wealthy donors. Now they stand opposed to commonsense measures to help grow our economy and opposed to helping working people who just want an opportunity to work hard and succeed. I look forward to seeing Democrats in Congress continue to fight for working families and pass the Build Back Better Act.”


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