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Florida Democratic Party Chair Manny Diaz Statement on White House Negotiations in Venezuela

President Joe Biden has made it very clear that he stands firm with the Venezuelan people. The high-level meeting between White House representatives and Nicolás Maduro had two distinct purposes: bringing Americans unjustly incarcerated in Venezuela home and furthering democracy in the Latin American country.

The Venezuelan regime has shown a willingness to collaborate, as they have already released two of the Americans held in a Venezuelan prison who are now back home with their families. We still await the release of more Americans. The second focus was discussing the return to the negotiating table between the Maduro regime and the Venezuelan opposition led by interim president Juan Guaidó. This was also achieved, as the Maduro regime has agreed to return to negotiations.

The office of interim Venezuelan president Juan Guaidó has released a statement supporting the actions of the Biden administration. The White House has also made it clear that the United States considers Guaidó the legitimate interim president of Venezuela.

“President Biden has always stood with Venezuelans and there is no doubt of his commitment to bring democracy back to Venezuela. A year ago, he granted Temporary Protected Status to thousands of Venezuelans living in the United States. Now, he continues his work towards a free Venezuela and of bringing unjustly jailed Americans home,” said Florida Democratic Party Chair Manny Diaz. “We pray for the safe release of all wrongly detained Americans and Venezuelans by the Maduro and Chavez regime.”

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