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Marco Rubio Votes Against Bill To Lower Floridians’ Health Care & Prescription Drug Costs, Fight Inflation, And Invest In American Energy

Marco Rubio voted today against the Inflation Reduction Act, extraordinarily popular legislation that will cut inflation and reduce the deficit by lowering Floridians’ health care costs, ensuring corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes, and investing in American energy production. 

“Instead of voting to lower costs for Floridians struggling with high gas prices and expensive medications, Marco Rubio voted to help big corporations and the richest Americans avoid paying taxes. Rubio didn’t just choose his special interest donors over what’s best for Florida today, he voted to rip off everyday Floridians by rejecting a plan to lower their cost of living and save their tax dollars,” said Florida Democratic Party spokesperson Grant Fox.   

Major provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act that Rubio voted against include: 

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