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DeSantis Under National Scrutiny for Supporting Cuts to Social Security and Medicare

As the field of potential 2024 GOP presidential hopefuls ramps up their race for the MAGA base, Governor Ron DeSantis is the latest to find his record of supporting cuts to Social Security and Medicare under scrutiny.

According to multiple national reports out yesterday, DeSantis has supported cuts to Social Security and Medicare — despite Florida having the largest percentage of seniors in the country.

In case you missed it:

CNN: Ron DeSantis once expressed support for privatizing Social Security and Medicare giving his rivals an opening

 “A CNN KFile review of comments from DeSantis’ 2012 congressional campaign found he repeatedly said he supported plans to replace Medicare with a system in which the government paid for partial costs of private plans or a traditional Medicare plan. In one interview with a local newspaper, DeSantis said he supported “the same thing” for Social Security, citing the need for “market forces” to restructure the program.”

Washington Post: GOP hopefuls’ past positions on Social Security loom over 2024 primary

“As a member of Congress, DeSantis voted for three nonbinding budget resolutions calling for raising the retirement age and slowing future spending growth for Social Security. He received a 0 percent rating from the Alliance for Retired Americans, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO. During a previous showdown over the debt limit in 2013, DeSantis said he supported including Social Security and Medicare in the negotiations.”

Yahoo News: Pence calls for Social Security reform, private savings accounts

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, widely considered to be Trump’s chief competitor for the nomination at the moment — if he decides to get in the race — regularly supported increasing the retirement age for Social Security when he was in Congress.”

Semafor: Democrats think 2024 Republicans have a Tea Party weak spot on entitlements

“During his time in Congress, meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis voted for a series of budget resolutions crafted by the conservative Republican Study Committee that would have voucherized Medicare for new beneficiaries, slowed Social Security cost of living increases, and raised the retirement age for both programs.”

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