
Florida Democrats Slam DeSantis for Xenophobic Plan to Eliminate Birthright Citizenship

Following reports that Ron DeSantis wants to change the constitutional requirements for citizenship, the Florida Democratic Party has issued the following statement:

“We all know that Ron is a xenophobe, but he keeps finding new lows. Birthright citizenship is an ideal as old as our republic and a key piece of the American Dream, and the only reason Ron can even think about running for president is because his great grandparents were granted citizenship by birth.

— Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried

“Thankfully, it’s much harder to change the U.S. Constitution than Ron would have you believe. He may try to run the State of Florida like a heartless despot, but good luck trying that in the White House — and with ridiculous ideas like that, good luck getting there in the first place.”

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