
Florida Democrats Respond to Manslaughter Charges for the Killer of AJ Owens

Chair Nikki Fried calls for reforms to Stand Your Ground laws

Tallahassee, FL — In response to State Attorney Bill Gladson’s decision to pursue a manslaughter charge against Susan Lorincz for the shooting of Ajike “AJ” Owens, the Florida Democratic Party has issued the following statement:

“This is a sad day for the family and friends of AJ Owens,” said Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried, “and for all the people of Florida. Susan Lorincz gunned down a mother in front of her children, and no legal recourse can truly make that right.

“That being said, this is another example of why we need to reform Florida’s Stand Your Ground laws — until we do, innocent people will continue to die at the hands of those emboldened by their existence. It’s clear to most observers that it takes ‘hatred, spite, ill will or evil intent’ to shoot your neighbor through a doorway, but these outdated statutes make it nearly impossible to pursue murder charges.

“We continue to mourn with AJ’s family, and will be closely monitoring Ms. Lorincz’s future court proceedings.”

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