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Earlier this week, DeSantis expressed support for Senator Tommy Tuberville, who has blocked every military nomination and promotion since February in retaliation to the Pentagon’s policy on reproductive rights. In response, the Florida Democratic Party issued the following statement: 

“How can Ron DeSantis call himself a patriot?” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “His weaponization of the State Guard, unfounded attacks on the so-called ‘woke’ military, and recent support for Sen. Tuberville’s blockade of military promotions and nominations are a threat to national security and military readiness. Yet again, Ron is being Ron by showing us that he’s willing to put his political ambitions ahead of our veterans and Americans on the front lines.”

In an op-ed published yesterday, Phil Giorno, President of the Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida, said, “Our military men and women know that the real threat to our safety isn’t “wokeness” or Pentagon policies, the real threat is a politician who puts his own ambitions above national security.”


Related stories

New York Times: “Senator Tommy Tuberville, a conservative from Alabama, has been single-handedly blocking hundreds of promotions for high-ranking generals and admirals since February, refusing to relent unless the Defense Department scraps a policy — instituted after the Supreme Court struck down the constitutional right to abortion last year — offering time off and travel reimbursement to service members who need to go out of state for abortions.”

Alabama Today: “U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville to introduce President Donald Trump in Montgomery on Friday”

Bret Baier: “Do you support Senator Tommy Tuberville from Alabama blocking the military promotions for Pentagon policy, abortion policy?” DeSantis: “I do, because I think the Pentagon’s violating the law.”

CBS News: “GOP Sen. Tuberville’s hold on nominations could cause armed forces to ‘lose talent,’ nominee for top military officer says”

CNN: “Republican block leaves major branch of US military without a confirmed leader for first time in over a century”

Washington Post: “Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said a Republican senator’s delay of the quick approval of nearly 200 military promotions poses a ‘clear risk’ to the nation’s military readiness and directly affects the lives of service members’ families.”

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