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On the 88th anniversary of the Social Security Act, Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried issued the following statement: 

“For 88 years, Social Security has served as a lifeline for millions of Americans who have earned these benefits,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “Unfortunately — Rick and Ron don’t think Americans need Social Security. Not too long ago, Rick Scott introduced a plan that would abolish social security and while Ron was in Congress, he consistently voted for cuts to one of the most popular governmental programs in American history.” 

“Their obsession with weakening Social Security is yet another grand miscalculation by Florida Republicans, who represent the state with the second biggest population of retirees over 65 in the country. Nearly five million seniors in Florida depend on the Social Security benefits they have contributed to their entire lives. 

“Instead of threatening to gut the program 1 in 4 Floridians rely on, we should be talking about how to protect and expand Social Security — with record inflation, these benefits are no longer keeping up with the cost of living. 

“Florida Republicans can deny they’re coming after Social Security, but we won’t let the public forget their record. Rick and Ron have got it wrong on Social Security, period.”

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