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In response to the delivery of antisemitic propaganda to homes and multiple neo-Nazi demonstrations across Florida yesterday, the Florida Democratic Party has issued the following statement:

“Ron has failed time and time again to denounce neo-Nazis — even when they’re chanting “Jews get the rope” in front of his campaign signs,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “He seems more concerned with keeping their votes than condemning their ideas.

“It is incumbent on every public official to condemn neo-Nazism in the strongest terms possible, but Ron refuses to do it. His silence stokes hatred and deadly violence in our communities — we saw the very real consequences of his inaction on a swastika-wrapped gun barrel in Jacksonville last month.

“Florida Democrats stand united against neo-Nazis and anyone else spewing antisemitism, bigotry, and hate in our state, because an attack on one is an attack on all. Once again, we call on Ron to do his job for all Floridians: vocally condemn neo-Nazism and all forms of hate speech.” 

What Florida Democrats are saying:

Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book: “Hate is on the rise, and it’s up to all of us to denounce it each and every time it rears its ugly head. Nazi’s white supremacists, racists, antisemites, you have no place in our communities or our society!’

House Minority Leader Fentrice Driskell: “I was disgusted to see Nazis openly demonstrating in the Orlando area this weekend. Their chants that “we are everywhere” has proven to be disturbingly true; indeed, DeSantis has made so much room for them in our state that their symbols and imagery were even part of his presidential campaign. This evil should have no place in our communities, and Florida has no need for a governor whose policies have furthered their agenda: teaching children that Black Americans benefited personally from slavery, prohibiting people from saying “gay,” and stripping women of agency over their own bodies. So it’s no surprise that he won’t condemn a known hate group standing on a corner, waving his campaign banner.”

Senator Lori Berman:In times gone by, our nation’s leaders stood firmly against Nazism–a force they combated vigorously during WWII. Now Nazis march across FL without objection from DeSantis. His divisive and hateful politics have fueled its resurgence. We have a lot of work to do to rebuild.”

Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick: “This is another disturbing reminder that extremism and hate are rapidly on the rise across FL – just days after a racist rampage took three Black lives. The Governor must explicitly condemn any and all forms of hate in our state.”

Representative Anna Eskamani: Nazis in Altamonte Springs at Cranes Roost Park screaming “we are everywhere” — absolutely disgusting stuff and another example of the far right extremism growing in FL.”

Representative Lois Frankel: “I’m disgusted by the latest incident of antisemitic materials spread around Palm Beach County. We must speak out against bigotry whenever we see it, and I’ll continue to use my platform to fight back against the scourge of antisemitism in our community. Hate has no place here.”

Congressman Maxwell Frost: “Nazi marching in our community. Why? Because they feel comfortable enough to do so.”

State Senator Tina Polsky: “I am so disgusted by the hate in this state. I’m so disgusted that these vile anti-semites feel emboldened to march openly. These actions are not condemned by leadership because these Nazis are their voters. So you’re either against Nazis or you’re not. Their silence is complicity.”

Representative Rita Harris: We have reached a truly dark place in our history when neo-Nazis feel welcome to spew their hate. It is incumbent on every elected official and every Floridian against this savage way of thinking. The time for unity against these heinous acts is now.”

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