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Florida Democratic Party Statement on President Biden’s Historic Visit to Israel

Today, in response to President Biden’s historic visit to Israel and announcement of $100 million in funding for humanitarian assistance for displaced Palestinian people,the Florida Democratic Party issued the following statement:  

“President Biden’s visit to Israel today was a big deal,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “In an unprecedented move, the President made it a point to  stand with Israel – his strong and compassionate leadership since the outbreak of this war is exactly what the world needs at this moment. 

The President’s visit combined with the announcement of $100 million in humanitarian aid sends a clear message that the United States stands with Israel and is committed to the protection of innocent Palestinians caught in this conflict.

The Florida Democratic Party commends the Administration for unequivocally standing with Israel and prioritizing humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people, and we join the calls for the release of innocent hostages to their families.”

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