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Florida Democrats Respond to Rick Scott’s Endorsement of Donald Trump

Today, in a break with personal tradition, Senator Rick Scott endorsed Donald Trump for President of the United States. In response, the Florida Democratic Party has issued the following statement:

“Rick Scott and Donald Trump are two highly unlikable fraudsters who used enormous amounts of money to lie their way into office,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “Rick Scott pushed for a national abortion ban, advocated to raise taxes on the middle class, and voted to shut down the government — moves that are in line with Trump’s extreme agenda. This endorsement ties them together for the foreseeable future.

“Scott’s endorsement of Trump should give pause to the millions of older Americans who plan to vote for Trump next year. Rick wrote the plan to sunset Social Security and Medicare — a move that would plunge nearly 40% of older adults into poverty and eliminate healthcare for 1 out of 4 Floridians — and electing Donald Trump would give him a clear path to making that happen. 

“This endorsement also marks another day in the slow humiliation of Ron DeSantis. After a weekend where unforced errors made Ron’s footwear more newsworthy than his policies, Rick Scott’s choice to snub his successor shouldn’t come as a surprise. Ron’s days of ruling Florida politics with an iron fist are clearly coming to an end — and I for one couldn’t be less surprised.

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