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In his most recent attack against immigrants, Republican presidential candidate and convicted felon Donald Trump called Venezuelans criminals. In response, the Florida Democratic Party issued a joint statement with Venezuelan-American advocate Adelys Ferro: 

WATCH: Donald Trump calls Venezuelans ‘criminals’

“Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric towards Hispanics is dehumanizing and disgusting,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “The man who was just convicted on 34 counts had the nerve to call an entire population of people “criminals.” The irony is not lost on us. While he doubles down on his racist attacks, Florida Democrats will always stand up for the Venezuelan community and every Latino community in Florida. Venezuelans came to this country fleeing from a dictatorship in search of better opportunities for themselves and their families, and the only party that will protect them is the Democratic Party.” 

“Donald Trump’s comments calling all Venezuelans “criminals” hurt us, but it is not surprising, said Adelys Ferro, Venezuelan-American advocate. “The vast majority of Venezuelans are hardworking, decent people who came here to seek new opportunities, peace and freedom. Donald Trump has a long history of exploiting Latino voters for his personal gains, making fake promises and pretending to support our fight for democracy. But he’s a liar and a bigot. In 2024, he has shown his true colors and we will not forget it.” 

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