Florida Democratic Party

Freedom is Worth Fighting For

From a livable wage to a livable environment, Democrats are fighting every day to build the Florida we deserve. Sounds like you? Get involved.

[tminus t=”08-11-2022 19:00:00″ omityears=”true” omitmonths=”true” omitweeks=”true” style=”eday-counter” before=”<p>You have<br/></p>” after=”<p>left to cast your vote for the 2022 midterms!</p>”/]

Find out where, when, and how you can cast your ballot and make sure your voice is heard!

(833) VOTE-FLA or (833) 868-3352

About Us

Florida Dems

Democrats believe in the founding values of our country — that everyone in this country is created equal and is deserving of a life of dignity and respect. We’re working to make sure that everyone regardless of race, religion, or where you were born, has a fair chance at success, can support themselves and their family with hard work, and can pursue the American dream.

*If you’ve saved your information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Our 2022 Nominees

Find out more about our Democratic Nominees on your ballot this November!

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