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WHAT THEY’RE SEEING: Rick Scott Faces Opposition Across Florida as His Abortion Ban Takes Effect

As Florida’s abortion ban goes into effect, Floridians across the state are calling out Rick Scott for his support of the ban, which rips away reproductive health care access before most women know they’re pregnant, with virtually no exceptions. Scott has repeatedly endorsed the ban and pledged to vote to keep it in place.

See below for what Floridians have to say about Rick Scott’s abortion ban: 

Palm Beach Post: “People are going to die:” PBC Democratic lawmakers bash Rick Scott, abortion ban
Women across Florida will die or be put in jeopardy due to an abortion ban that will soon become state law again, Democratic Palm Beach County lawmakers warned on Thursday, responding to Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Scott supporting it. 
They took Scott to task for voicing support for the ban last week, urging voters to reject him in November and also to vote Yes on Amendment 4 to enshrine reproductive rights in the Florida Constitution. 
“This ban is putting lives at risk,” said state Sen. Bobby Powell, who represents northern and central Palm Beach County. “People are going to die. … That’s what it’s going to lead to for the women in the state of Florida.” 

WFLA News: ‘A nightmare’: Tampa Bay lawmakers, advocates respond to Sen. Scott’s stance on abortion rights
Democrats slammed the former Florida Governor’s record on abortion and responded to a recent interview where he indicated that, if he were still in the position, he would have approved the six-week abortion ban that will soon take effect.
“We’re standing up here because we know, and make no mistake, that the reproductive rights of millions of women in Florida are on the line this November, not just on Amendment 4, but up and down the ballot,” [said Rep. Lindsay Cross]. “From Rick Scott, to Republicans in Tallahassee, none of them support your right to choose.”
Shepard practiced in Tampa for 40 years, delivering 7,500 babies in the region. […] Dr. Shephard called the six-week abortion ban “archaic,” “dangerous,” and “a nightmare.” It’s the worst piece of legislation I’ve ever seen come out of Tallahassee, and Sen. Rick Scott supports it,” Dr. Shephard said. “He previously said he would sign it into law, and yesterday, he doubled down again.”

Bay News 9: Democrats Rally Against Rick Scott After His Show of Support for Abortion Ban
The six-week abortion ban goes into effect in thirteen days and voters in the state will decide in November on whether to change that. In the meantime, the abortion debate is front and center in the US Senate race in Florida. 
Today in St. Petersburg, this group – including state lawmakers – said that Senator Rick Scott’s stance on the issue is out of touch with voters. 
Scott recently told Spectrum News that he would’ve signed the six-week ban if it came before him when he was Governor. 

Spectrum News: Florida Democrats Call Out Rick Scott’s Abortion Policies
Rick Scott: “If I was the sitting governor, and the six-week abortion ban came in front of me, I would sign it. I’ve always said I would sign it.” 
Representative Anna Eskami: “Florida has by far one of the cruelest abortion policies in the country – not just because we’re about to approach a six-week ban, that he [Scott] has been very vocal endorsing and supporting because we also have 24 hour mandatory delay.” 
Democratic State Representative Anna Eskamani and other state leaders held a press conference today criticizing Senator Rick Scott for his position on abortion  and the comments made right here on political connections by Scott. The six-week abortion ban in Florida goes into effect on Wednesday.

Florida Phoenix: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell & other FL Dems again take on Rick Scott’s position on abortion rights
With a six-week abortion ban poised to go into effect in Florida next month, Democrats on Thursday once again went after Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Scott’s position on the law, which has been contradictory in just the past few days.
“His words and actions show that his values do not include personal freedom and that he lacks the compassion for those who may opt for an abortion,” said Valdes. “There are so many reasons why someone may make this deeply personal decision to have one. Maybe their birth control failed, or they were the victims of rape or incest, or carrying a pregnancy would endanger their lives.”
“The reproductive rights of millions of women in Florida are on the line this November. Not just with Amendment 4, but up and down the ballot. From Rick Scott to Republicans in Tallahassee, none of them support your right to choose,” added Cross, who like every member of the state House of Representatives is also on the ballot this fall.

WESH 2 News: Democratic Lawmakers Protest Florida’s 6-week Abortion Ban Set to Begin Next Week
Local Democratic leaders gathered in Orlando today to call out Florida Senator Rick Scott over his support of Florida’s abortion ban. 
The six week ban is set to take effect May 1st. Pro-choice advocates say the ban will eliminate reproductive health care access before most women even know they’re pregnant. 
Representative Rita Harris: “This ban isn’t just a policy change, it’s a danger to fundamental health care. Some women, as I’m speaking right now, may not know they are pregnant or they will face complications where timely medical intervention is crucial. And this law will deny them their rights.”

Tallahassee Democrat: ‘Cruelty and chaos’: On eve of new Florida abortion law, Democrats rally for change
Florida Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, who is running for re-election this year, also was targeted Tuesday by protesters outside his office in Tallahassee’s federal courthouse for having voiced support for the six-week law.  
Scott was in Washington, D.C. But the eight demonstrators were more evidence of how Democrats are seeking to draw sharp contrasts with Republicans up and down the ballot on abortion rights this election year. 

Univision Orlando: Restricciones Más Estrictas Al Aborto Entrarán en Vigor el 1 de mayo
Esta mañana, varios grupos y líderes políticos que rechazan la medida criticaron la posición del Senador Rick Scott. 
En pocos días será ilegal que las mujeres se realicen un aborto en Florida después de las seis semanas de embarazo. Un grupo de líderes políticos envió un mensaje de rechazo al senador Rick Scott, quien según ellos ahora estaría impulsando la prohibición del aborto a nivel nacional. 
Representante Estatal Johanna López: “La amenaza es que el senador Rick Scott se atreve a amenazarnos nuevamente, valga la redundancia, en decir que va a apoyar una obstaculización del aborto a nivel nacional.” 
Representante Estatal Tom Keen: “Las mujeres merecen autonomía corporal, ningún hombre, especialmente un político, debería decirle a una mujer qué hacer con su propio cuerpo.”
Representante Estatal Johanna López: “Nadie debe tener en sus manos esa decisión, esa decisión nos corresponde a nosotras.”

Scripps News: Democrats Hang Florida’s Abortion Ban on the Republican Party
Reporter: “Outside GOP offices, Democrats are trying to hang the ban on the Republican party, whether that’s Senator Rick Scott or former President Donald Trump who morphed the U.S. Supreme Court and paved the way for the ban’s passage.”
FDP Chair Nikki Fried: “It’s going to be a gut wrenching experience for the people of this state to start hearing the horrific stories that are going to start coming out – women making impossible decisions, not getting the health care access they need.”

WCTV Florida: Democrats Protest Florida Abortion Ban
Anchor: “In just hours, Florida will have one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. The state’s six-week abortion ban coming on the heels of a Florida Supreme Court ruling earlier this month.” 
Reporter: “People from across Florida protesting Tuesday outside the Federal Courthouse in Tallahassee against the state’s new six-week ban on abortions. The ban means women like Danielle Tallafuss won’t be able to end a pregnancy if there are complications.”

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