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Florida Democrats Respond to Rick Scott’s Bid for Senate Republican Leader

Today, in response to Rick Scott formally announcing his bid to be the next Senate Republican leader, Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried released the following statement: 

“A Republican Senate Caucus led by Rick Scott would be a disaster for women and working families in Florida and a disaster for the country,” said FDP Chair Nikki Fried. “Scott’s self-serving agenda has failed Florida, and now he’s threatening to take his plans nationwide: he would enact a national abortion ban, slash Social Security and Medicare, and raise taxes on working families while cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy like himself. 

“Florida is ground-zero in the fight for control of the Senate and now the stakes are even higher. Rick Scott’s self-serving agenda is wrong for Florida and wrong for America.” 

Rick Scott’s Self-Serving Agenda Would Be A Disaster For Americans: 

Rick Scott supports a national abortion ban and says he would support “any” anti-choice bill.
– Rick Scott: “If I was the sitting governor, and the six-week abortion ban came in front of me, I would sign it. I’ve always said I would sign it.”
– On the day Florida’s six-week abortion ban took effect, Rick Scott said he would sign “any” anti-abortion legislation.

Rick Scott’s signature plan to sunset Social Security and Medicare would spike costs for seniors and families and rip away hard-earned benefits. 
– Mitch McConnell on Rick Scott’s disastrous signature plan: “A bad idea.

Rick Scott plans to raise taxes on the middle class while lowering taxes for corporations and the wealthy, like himself. 
– Fox News: “…that would raise taxes on half of Americans and potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
– Scott’s plan would raise taxes on 40% of Floridians, including working families and active-duty military. 
– Gainesville Sun: “Florida Gov. Rick Scott was in Washington this week not to seek to improve the legislation for most Floridians, but to fight for the tax cuts benefiting a small sliver of the state population — including himself.

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