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Florida Democrats Call Out Rick Scott’s Phony Support for IVF

FDP Chair Nikki Fried says Scott’s Attacks on Reproductive Freedom Will Cost His Senate Seat

Tallahassee, FL — Today, Rick Scott renewed his desperate attempt to convince Floridians that he supports IVF, despite blocking legislation to protect IVF treatment. Scott’s latest ploy to hide his extreme anti-choice record falls on the same day he voted against protecting access to contraception. 

“Rick Scott blocked legislation to protect IVF treatment and now he’s lying to Floridians to cover up his toxic anti-choice agenda. Scott is playing politics with Floridians’ reproductive rights and it’s going to cost him his senate seat,” said Florida Democratic Chair Nikki Fried.  

This isn’t Scott’s first IVF clean-up: earlier this year, in response to Republican attacks on IVF, Scott introduced an “empty, symbolic” resolution that would do nothing to actually protect IVF. Now, just a week after receiving an A+ rating from an extreme anti-choice group that opposes IVF and contraception, Scott is desperately trying to cover up his dangerous record of ripping away women’s rights to make their own personal medical decisions. 

Here’s what to know about Scott’s “100% pro-life” record: 

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